Bonjour ,
Je viens d'acquerir un archos av480 et je voudrais reencoder un film pour le mettre sur mon archos j'ai installer virtualdub 1.60 build build 21540/release ey lorsque je lance l'outil archos de reencodage "MPG4 Translator" derniere version et voici ce j'obtiens avec virtualdub :
VirtualDub crash report -- build 21540 (release)
004cea00: c65e6489 mov byte ptr [esi+64h], 89h
004cea04: 0d00000000 or eax, 00000000
004cea09: c9 leave
004cea0a: c20400 ret 0004
004cea0d: 56 push esi
004cea0e: 8bf1 mov esi, ecx
004cea10: 8b4620 mov eax, [esi+20h]
004cea13: 85c0 test eax, eax
004cea15: 7407 jz 004cea1e (mult64x64+e6c)
004cea17: 50 push eax
004cea18: e893ce0200 call 004fb8b0 ($E1+5f30)
004cea1d: 59 pop ecx
004cea1e: 8d4e10 lea ecx, [esi+10h]
004cea21: 5e pop esi
004cea22: e939cdf6ff jmp 0043b760 (?$vector::~?$vector)
004cea27: 55 push ebp
004cea28: 8bec mov ebp, esp
004cea2a: 51 push ecx
004cea2b: 51 push ecx
004cea2c: 53 push ebx
004cea2d: 56 push esi
004cea2e: 8bf1 mov esi, ecx
004cea30: 57 push edi
004cea31: 833e00 db 83h
004cea34: 7507 jnz 004cea3d (mult64x64+e8b)
004cea36: 33c0 xor eax, eax
004cea38: e90f010000 jmp 004ceb4c (mult64x64+f9a)
004cea3d: 8d5e10 lea ebx, [esi+10h]
004cea40: 8bcb mov ecx, ebx
004cea42: ff7308 db 0ffh
004cea45: ff7304 db 0ffh
004cea48: e8a31ef9ff call 004608f0 (?$vector::erase)
004cea4d: 8b4604 mov eax, [esi+04h]
004cea50: 3b4608 cmp eax, [esi+08h]
004cea53: 721a jc 004cea6f (mult64x64+ebd)
004cea55: 8b0e mov ecx, [esi]
004cea57: 8b4624 mov eax, [esi+24h]
004cea5a: 83660400 and dword ptr [esi+04h], 00h
004cea5e: 8b5620 mov edx, [esi+20h]
004cea61: 8b39 mov edi, [ecx]
004cea63: 50 push eax
004cea64: 52 push edx
004cea65: ff5708 db 0ffh
004cea68: 85c0 test eax, eax
004cea6a: 894608 mov [esi+08h], eax
004cea6d: 746d jz 004ceadc (mult64x64+f2a)
004cea6f: 8b460c mov eax, [esi+0ch]
004cea72: 33c9 xor ecx, ecx
004cea74: 2bc1 sub eax, ecx
004cea76: 742a jz 004ceaa2 (mult64x64+ef0)
004cea78: 48 dec eax
004cea79: 7418 jz 004cea93 (mult64x64+ee1)
004cea7b: 48 dec eax
004cea7c: 75cf jnz 004cea4d (mult64x64+e9b)
004cea7e: 8b4604 mov eax, [esi+04h]
004cea81: 894e0c mov [esi+0ch], ecx
004cea84: 8b4e20 mov ecx, [esi+20h]
004cea87: 803c080a cmp byte ptr [eax+ecx], 0ah <-- FAULT
004cea8b: 75c0 jnz 004cea4d (mult64x64+e9b)
004cea8d: 40 inc eax
004cea8e: 894604 mov [esi+04h], eax
004cea91: ebba jmp 004cea4d (mult64x64+e9b)
004cea93: 8b4604 mov eax, [esi+04h]
004cea96: 894e0c mov [esi+0ch], ecx
004cea99: 8b4e20 mov ecx, [esi+20h]
004cea9c: 803c080d cmp byte ptr [eax+ecx], 0dh
004ceaa0: ebe9 jmp 004cea8b (mult64x64+ed9)
004ceaa2: 8b5604 mov edx, [esi+04h]
004ceaa5: 8b7e20 mov edi, [esi+20h]
004ceaa8: 8b4e04 mov ecx, [esi+04h]
004ceaab: 8d4101 lea eax, [ecx+01h]
004ceaae: 894604 mov [esi+04h], eax
004ceab1: 8a0c0f mov cl, [edi+ecx]
004ceab4: 80f90d db 80h
004ceab7: 7440 jz 004ceaf9 (mult64x64+f47)
004ceab9: 80f90a db 80h
004ceabc: 7460 jz 004ceb1e (mult64x64+f6c)
004ceabe: 3b4608 cmp eax, [esi+08h]
004ceac1: 72e5 jc 004ceaa8 (mult64x64+ef6)
004ceac3: 8b4624 mov eax, [esi+24h]
004ceac6: 03fa add edi, edx
004ceac8: 034620 add eax, [esi+20h]
004ceacb: 8bcb mov ecx, ebx
004ceacd: 50 push eax
004ceace: 57 push edi
004ceacf: ff7618 db 0ffh
004cead2: e83922f4ff call 00410d10 (?$vector::insert)
004cead7: e971ffffff jmp 004cea4d (mult64x64+e9b)
004ceadc: 832600 db 83h
004ceadf: 8b4304 mov eax, [ebx+04h]
004ceae2: 85c0 test eax, eax
004ceae4: 0f844cffffff jz 004cea36 (mult64x64+e84)
004ceaea: 8b4b08 mov ecx, [ebx+08h]
004ceaed: 2bc8 sub ecx, eax
004ceaef: 894df8 mov [ebp-08h], ecx
004ceaf2: 7521 jnz 004ceb15 (mult64x64+f63)
004ceaf4: e93dffffff jmp 004cea36 (mult64x64+e84)
004ceaf9: 8b4e20 mov ecx, [esi+20h]
004ceafc: c7 db 0c7h
004ceafd: 46 inc esi
004ceafe: 0c02 or al, 02h
Windows 5.0 (Windows 2000 build 2195) [Service Pack 4]
EAX = 0000032c
EBX = 0012fdfc
ECX = 00000000
EDX = 00cd0720
EBP = 0012edc0
DS:ESI = 0023:0012fdec
ES:EDI = 0023:009cdd94
SS:ESP = 0023:0012edac
CS:EIP = 001b:004cea87
FS = 0038
GS = 0000
EFLAGS = 00010246
FPUCW = ffff027f
FPUTW = ffffffff
MM0 = 0000000000000000
MM1 = 0000000000000000
MM2 = 0000000000000000
MM3 = 0000000000000000
MM4 = 0000000000000000
MM5 = ccccccccccccd000
MM6 = 8000000000000000
MM7 = ba00000000000000
Crash reason: Access Violation
Crash context:
An out-of-bounds memory access (access violation) occurred in module 'VirtualDub'.
Thread traces:
Thread 00000118 (Main thread)
Thread 00000368 (unknown)
Thread call stack:0012edac: 0012edac
004964fa: RunScript()
77e03f8a: USER32!WCSToMBEx [77e00000+3f2a+60]
77e02e33: USER32!ReleaseDC [77e00000+2ca9+18a]
0049cbf7: VDVideoDisplayWindow::StaticRemapPalette()
77e06440: USER32!DefWindowProcA [77e00000+641a+26]
004942ed: VDProjectUI::MainWndProc()
77e063dc: USER32!GetWindowLongA [77e00000+639b+41]
00493ba5: VDProjectUI::StaticWndProc()
00480b45: BaseWndProc()
77e01ef0: USER32!MsgWaitForMultipleObjects [77e00000+1ab1+43f]
77e03869: USER32!SetWindowTextW [77e00000+37ff+6a]
77e03f10: USER32!GetForegroundWindow [77e00000+3e9f+71]
77e03f20: USER32!GetForegroundWindow [77e00000+3e9f+81]
77e0bee1: USER32!RemovePropA [77e00000+a84f+1692]
77e07c0d: USER32!GetWindowTextLengthA [77e00000+7b94+79]
77e01ef0: USER32!MsgWaitForMultipleObjects [77e00000+1ab1+43f]
77e03d1e: USER32!GetDesktopWindow [77e00000+3cb4+6a]
77e06e9b: USER32!CallWindowProcW [77e00000+6e82+19]
77b46da8: COMCTL32!ImageList_GetIconSize [77b40000+6b26+282]
77b46cc7: COMCTL32!ImageList_GetIconSize [77b40000+6b26+1a1]
77b46cd9: COMCTL32!ImageList_GetIconSize [77b40000+6b26+1b3]
77b46d86: COMCTL32!ImageList_GetIconSize [77b40000+6b26+260]
77b61ede: COMCTL32!PropertySheet [77b40000+21942+59c]
77b46cc7: COMCTL32!ImageList_GetIconSize [77b40000+6b26+1a1]
77b46cd9: COMCTL32!ImageList_GetIconSize [77b40000+6b26+1b3]
77e03b55: USER32!IsWindow [77e00000+3b27+2e]
77b46c09: COMCTL32!ImageList_GetIconSize [77b40000+6b26+e3]
77e01ef0: USER32!MsgWaitForMultipleObjects [77e00000+1ab1+43f]
78462a8c: ntdll!RtlExtendedMagicDivide [78460000+2937+155]
784ac1d0: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [78460000+4c0ef+e1]
78465e67: ntdll!NtWriteRequestData [78460000+5d7b+ec]
77e07c22: USER32!GetWindowTextLengthA [77e00000+7b94+8e]
77e01ef0: USER32!MsgWaitForMultipleObjects [77e00000+1ab1+43f]
77e03d1e: USER32!GetDesktopWindow [77e00000+3cb4+6a]
77e06e9b: USER32!CallWindowProcW [77e00000+6e82+19]
78467d57: ntdll!RtlIsDosDeviceName_U [78460000+7cba+9d]
784643a3: ntdll!RtlNtStatusToDosError [78460000+4387+1c]
78ed19d5: ADVAPI32!RegCloseKey [78ed0000+18bf+116]
78467a99: ntdll!RtlGetUserInfoHeap [78460000+7529+570]
78467a7f: ntdll!RtlGetUserInfoHeap [78460000+7529+556]
77b51a97: COMCTL32!CreateToolbarEx [77b40000+1052f+1568]
78ed1d82: ADVAPI32!RegOpenKeyExW [78ed0000+1cab+d7]
6a6f534a: MSVFW32!ICGetDisplayFormat [6a6f0000+4eeb+45f]
004d005c: $E5()
784643a3: ntdll!RtlNtStatusToDosError [78460000+4387+1c]
78ed1bb3: ADVAPI32!RegCloseKey [78ed0000+18bf+2f4]
77eb5b00: KERNEL32!LCMapStringW [77e70000+457e0+320]
77eb5b00: KERNEL32!LCMapStringW [77e70000+457e0+320]
77e05c7d: USER32!CharLowerBuffW [77e00000+5c56+27]
77e0a168: USER32!CharLowerBuffA [77e00000+a0ff+69]
78ed1889: ADVAPI32!00001889
78ed184f: ADVAPI32!0000184f
78ed1918: ADVAPI32!RegCloseKey [78ed0000+18bf+59]
6a6f5686: MSVFW32!ICGetDisplayFormat [6a6f0000+4eeb+79b]
77e087f2: USER32!wvsprintfW [77e00000+831b+4d7]
77e0831a: USER32!wsprintfW [77e00000+8308+12]
6a6f358e: MSVFW32!ICInfo [6a6f0000+34c5+c9]
784ac84c: ntdll!RtlFreeHeap [78460000+4c644+208]
784ac7c2: ntdll!RtlFreeHeap [78460000+4c644+17e]
78ed1889: ADVAPI32!00001889
784675bd: ntdll!RtlGetUserInfoHeap [78460000+7529+94]
784657d0: ntdll!RtlUnlockHeap [78460000+57b6+1a]
784657ec: ntdll!RtlUnlockHeap [78460000+57b6+36]
77e8e5fb: KERNEL32!GlobalFree [77e70000+1e4e7+114]
6a6f3682: MSVFW32!ICInfo [6a6f0000+34c5+1bd]
004fbbc6: std::_CleanUp()
004fbbb3: std::_CleanUp()
0046dbc2: ?$VDBasicString::?$VDBasicString()
004cd523: CPUCheckForSSESupport()
77eb9352: KERNEL32!WideCharToMultiByte [77e70000+4902c+326]
0046b7b1: DetectDriver()
0046b7d9: DetectDriver()
77e855dc: KERNEL32!FindFirstFileW [77e70000+155c9+13]
004cd918: CPUCheckForSSESupport()
78462a8c: ntdll!RtlExtendedMagicDivide [78460000+2937+155]
784ac1d0: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [78460000+4c0ef+e1]
784ac603: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [78460000+4c0ef+514]
784ac4c9: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [78460000+4c0ef+3da]
784ac4e0: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [78460000+4c0ef+3f1]
004fbbc6: std::_CleanUp()
004811bd: ParseCommandLine()
0046b72a: DetectDivX()
004808be: Init()
00485042: WinMain@16()
004ff00d: wcstoxl()
77e9893d: KERNEL32!ProcessIdToSessionId [77e70000+287c0+17d]
-- End of report